söndag 20 februari 2011

Casting on

"The only way to get going is to just grasp that yarn between your fingers and twist. Just start. It's the same with life. Of course, every beginning won't be the same: there are dozens of ways to cast on and they vary based on skill or deisgn or even just relying on the tried-and-true. My point? Sometimes what works for one piece isn't the right way next time. You have to experiment to see what works. But there's a similarity no matter the method: you either try or you don't. So form a slipknot; make a series of twisted loops on one needle and then use its partner to reach through and make a stitch. Casting on is as much leap of faith as technique."

/The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs

For those of you who haven't read the first section of
the Kate Jacobs serie of quotes, or simply don't get
why I'm writing them; have a look here.

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