After work today I went to my old workplace to meet up with Irene and Louise, we decided to have a coffee together before Louise leaves us for South America next week. We bought some "fika" (swedish word for cookies, biscuits, buns and so on, a useful word!!) and then we went to Irene's new apartment. A really cosy evening with tea and amazing home-baked bread.
Ikväll fikade jag med Irene och Louise som jag jobbade med i väskaffären förr. Vi passade på ny innan Louise åker till Syd Amerika nästa vecka. Vi köpte med oss fika och åkte till Irenes nya lägenhet. En riktigt mysig kväll med te och underbart gott hembakat bröd a la Irene.

Found this one when I was looking around in the store where I used to work, perfect for me?
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